What is New About Star Diagnose Mercedes Xentry Diagnostics V2017.12 XDOS

OBD2repair.com new released the Star Diagnose software xentry diagnostics software  V2017.12.xentry diagnostics softwar XDOS V2017.12 contains vediamo and DTS V8 Maromo.V2017.07 xentry diagnostics support offline and online mercedes SCN coding/programming.

What is New About Mercedes Star diagnosis V2017.12 Xentry diagnostics  including::

1. D-A-S / Xentry 2017.12 the automatically Diagnosis Assistance System ,Concise interface and straightforward operation with IB M high-quality computer can realize the quick and accurate code reading and the whole car system testing.

2. W-I-S net 2017.9: Workshop Information System Supply the whole view of the wiring diagram in a car,component location diagram and maintenance method. What you do is to enter the chassis number, and then you will get the manufacture data, engine configuration and the car model -all in detail.

3. EPC.net 2017.9 : Electronic Parts Catalog

4. ST Finder 2016:Part location finder

5. STARUTILITIES : the movement management system and self-test

6. SDMEDIA 2014

7. PL71

2017.12 Mercedes Star Diagnosis Star C4 Software Display:


xentry diagnostics

xentry diagnostics

xentry diagnostics


xentry diagnostics


xentry diagnostics


xentry diagnostics

Vediamo V5.00.05:

xentry diagnostics

DTS V8 Monaco:

xentry diagnostics

 More detail about Xentry Diagnostics ,pls connect
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