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Solution of Old Star Diagnosis Software Xentry Diagnostics TimeOut Error & Not Starting Issues

Star Diagnosis MB Star C4 is the best diagnostic and programming tool for Mercedes Benz.Star Diagnosis software with vediamo and support online offline programming.OBD2repair.com share you how to solve Old Star Diagnosis Software Xentry Diagnostics TimeOut Error & Not Starting Issues MB SD C4 Mercedes Star Diagnostic Tool MB Star C4 for Cars/Trucks Problem may Caused by: Too much to modify, the date is checked more than once during start up. Xentry 12/2015 and 03/2016 have a date lock on them to prevent them opening after 09/09/2016. Fix to overcome the Star Diagnosis Xentry timeout error as of 12/15: 1. Free download Star Diagnosis Software XentryTimeout.rar and unzip: https://mega.nz/#!RgczBKLa!NUXoAM4Gbu34VXAw83MdswtujhSGnmUoroazFUbJFGE (This fix automatically sets the date back, launches the program, then returns the correct date so the program can be run correctly. It also has a check to prevent it launching twice (which will trap the date at and incorrect set...

How to Solve SD Connect Compact C4 MB Star C4 Software Cannot Woking

SD Connect Mercedes C4 scanner is the wifi diagnostic tool for Mercedes till 2017.MB Star C4 work with laster V2017.5 XDOS Xentry/DAS support programming online and offline.Bellow,obd2repair.com will share you MB Star C4 MB SD Connect Compact C4 Xentry software not working solution. MB SD C4 Mercedes Star Diagnostic Tool MB Star C4 for Cars/Trucks V2017.5 Mercedes Benz MB Star C4 XDOS Not Start Working Problem: I received the SD Connect C4,looks perfect , but when i used the software and applied the key ,MB Star C4 05.2017 Xentry is still not working. When I run it I get the pop-up screen but nothing after… I changed the laptop’s date as the software version but the problem is not fixed xentry will still not load. Pls help! OBD2repair.com MB Star C4 XDOS Not Start Working Solution: 1.  With VM off disable vmware time sync, https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1189 2.  Turn on VM, ...

Solution of Star Diagnosis Mercedes Star Diagnostic C4 Online Coding Error "Caution"

Mercedes Star diagnostic C4 is the wifi diangostic and programming tool .  One of OBD2repair.com Mercedes Star Diagnostic SD Connect C4 customer got the error "Caution! No more updates can be installed on the diagnostic system" when doing SCN coding Online.  Bellow , we will share you the solution of 2017.5  Mercedes Star Diagnostic  SD Connect C4 error "Caution" when doing online programming. MB SD C4 Mercedes Star Diagnostic Tool MB Star C4 Mercedes Star Diagnostic V2017.5 XDOS Mercedes Software "No More Updates can be installed" error Show: “Caution! No more updates can be installed on the diagnostic system. The following functions are not available. Initial startup SCN coding Control unit update” OBD2repair.com Mercedes Star Diagnostic SD Connect Compact C4 V2017.5 XDOS Mercedes Software "No More Updates can be installed" Solution: Download the Kontext.gmf file from OBD2repair.com: Email:  info@obd2repair.com Skype: ...

Solution of MB SD Diagnosis MB SD C4 Internal Error "(3.91)-3.36"

Solution of MB SD Diagnosis MB SD C4 Internal Error "(3.91)-3.36" Benz diagnostic tool  is the wifi Mb SD diagnostic and program interface for Mercedes Benz cars/trucks.One of  MB Star C4 SD Connect multiplexer  user came to the XDOS Internal Error "3.91-3.36" when working.OBD2repair.com share you how to solve SD Connect MB SD C4 Internal  Error "(3.91)-3.36" MB SD C4 Mercedes Star Diagnostic Tool MB Star C4 for Cars/Trucks SD Connect Compact C4 Internal Error "(3.91)-3.36" Error Show: Analysis by OBD2repair.com Tech Support Team: You got this error maybe because of the bug in your Xentry /XDOS software Need to fix some bugs For How to solve error Internal Error "(3.91)-3.36" ,pls connect Skype: obd2repair / eobdscan1 for help OBD2repair.com also offer latest MB Star C4 SD Connect multiplexer XDOS/Xentry software HDD/SSD, XDOS support with vediamo,DTS V8 maromo,HTTwin software , support online program...

Difference Between Star Diagnosis Star C4 and Star C5

Star diagnosis mb star c4 and C5 all all for Mercedes Benz. One of obd2rpeair.com customers want to buy a star diagnosis mercedes for programming Mercedes and confuse now.OBD2repair.com tell the difference between mb star c4 star diagnosis mercedes c4 and c5. MB SD C4 Mercedes Star Diagnostic Tool MB Star C4 for Cars/Trucks New Released wireless MB SD Connect 5 V2015.05 Mercedes BENZ C5 SD Connect Review from OBD2repair.com customer: I use xentry 09.2016 bought from OBD2rpeair.com works great, you can find premade acronis images and installation version here, just search for Xentry. It's good for trouble shooting and coding. In some cases online scn coding requires a MB server connection. You find members here that offer scn coding via team viewer. Vediamo is also available I have not used it a lot but it lets you code and program on a deeper level. Both sd connect c4 and c5 work good in coding and programming Mercedes Benz.but as for china clones, i prefer ...

How to Solve MB Star C3/C4/C5 XDOS Xentry Error "2221-45" ?

Star diagnosis is the best wif diagnostic tool for Mercedes Benz cars/trucks/buses. MBSD Star connect plus xentry V2017.5 support Mercedes Benz programming online and offline ..OBD2repair.com share you the solution of  mercedes star  SD Connect Compact C4 XDOS error "2221-45" MB SD Connect Compact C4 SD Connect C4 multiplexer with Dell D630 Problem: One is OBD2repair.com customer got this error when he run the Xentry software. MB Xentry software 2221-45 error “No access authorization for Xentry Diagnostics was found on the server.”? Solution of XDOS Error"2221-45"“No access authorization for Xentry Diagnostics was found on the server.” For Win7 system,  follow this path to find the file showed as picture and delete it. Local Disk [C:] → Mercedes-Benz folder→ Xentry folder→ fusoko folder→ eclipse folder→ plugins folde For Win8 system, follow this path to find the file showed as picture and delete it. Local Disk [C:] → Program Files ...