Solution of Old Star Diagnosis Software Xentry Diagnostics TimeOut Error & Not Starting Issues
Star Diagnosis MB Star C4 is the best diagnostic and programming tool for Mercedes Benz.Star Diagnosis software with vediamo and support online offline share you how to solve Old Star Diagnosis Software Xentry Diagnostics TimeOut Error & Not Starting Issues MB SD C4 Mercedes Star Diagnostic Tool MB Star C4 for Cars/Trucks Problem may Caused by: Too much to modify, the date is checked more than once during start up. Xentry 12/2015 and 03/2016 have a date lock on them to prevent them opening after 09/09/2016. Fix to overcome the Star Diagnosis Xentry timeout error as of 12/15: 1. Free download Star Diagnosis Software XentryTimeout.rar and unzip:!RgczBKLa!NUXoAM4Gbu34VXAw83MdswtujhSGnmUoroazFUbJFGE (This fix automatically sets the date back, launches the program, then returns the correct date so the program can be run correctly. It also has a check to prevent it launching twice (which will trap the date at and incorrect set...