Super MB Star C4 SD Connect multiplexer Develop Mode Function
Mercedes star diagnois Compact 4 is the professional diagnostic and program tools for Mercedes Benz cars ,trucks and mini,motor.Super MB Star C4 SD Connect multiplexer is the top version of Mercedes Star serials .Do want you know what is the Super MB Star C4 SD Connect multiplexer Develop Mode Function? Super MB SD Connect C4 Develop Mode with dell d630 laptop ready to use 1). To enable cornering lights: Body -> SAM-F -> CONTROL UNIT ADAPT -> READ CODING AND CHANGE… Set Turning Lamps to PRESENT 2). To enable tank content remaining (gallons left) Inf & Comm -> Instr. Custer -> Diag. to Plant Spec. -> Control Unit Adapt. -> Variant Coding -> Read Coding and change…. Set TANKINFO in REICHWEITENBILD to ENABLE – You then need to reset the “kombiinstrument” (reboot) Reset in DEV: Steuergeraet Resetten (PowerON-Modus) (FN_Reset_SG_Power_ON) I’ve written this up after having done this using DAS Simulat...